Photo Courtesy || Apollo Pablo Zantua |
Cordillera - Netizens in the online community showed admiration to a 50-year-old Filipino man who have five professional licenses issued by the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC).
The exceptional man was identified as Apollo Pablo Zantua, a native of Camarines Norte who possessed numerous licenses including professional teacher, master plumber, registered mechanical engineer, electrical engineer and civil engineer.
Zantua, also revealed that he has four instructor licenses when he was an Overseas Filipino Worker in Japan.
He later admitted that he passed all the board exams in just 6 months and credited his achievements with his eagerness to learn new things.
Zantua gave an advice to those seeking to become multi-license holder like him to take and finish one course at a time. He said that being intelligent is not necessary to become an engineer but studying hard and being committed to a goal are the most important thing.
"If you want to finish with lots of degrees, finish one course then go to the next and so on. I always tell my students, you don't need intelligence to be an engineer. You need commitment," Zantua said.
Zantua maintains a YouTube channel where he offered free tutorials on mathematics, plumbing, engineering and more to those who are interested to learn.
Please accept my highest admiration for you, Sir. You have shown a fine example to those who are just starting to strive for themselves.
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